
Title: Arms and Aesculapius – Military medicine in pre-federation Queensland – the Queensland Defence Force and its doctor-soldiers

Author: Pearn, John

Condition: Very Good

Edition: 1st Edition

Publication Date: 1996

ISBN: 0959632190

Cover: Hard Cover with Dust Jacket – 245 pages

Comments: Medical history teaches and re-teaches one consistent lesson – that campaigns are won or lost dependent on the morale and health of the combatants. A history of the origins of military medicine in Australia thus gives a perspective to the formation of the health services of the army, navy and air force which protect the Nation today.

This book documents the evolution of the armed forces in pre-Federation northern Australia. It traces the tentative origins of the Volunteer Force, the Militia Movement and the development of the medical and health services which supported them. It describes the origins of naval medicine in northern Australia. The men who formed the military Ambulance Corps, the Regimental Surgeons who led them and the first Australian naval surgeons all came from communities in northern Australia which felt themselves vulnerable to invasion by foreign powers.