
Title: Armoured Odyssey – 8th Royal Tank Regiment in the Western Desert, 1941-42, Palestine, Syria, Egypt, 1943-44, Italy, 1944-45

Author: Hamilton, Stuart MC

Condition: Very Good

Edition: 1st Edition

Publication Date: 1995

ISBN: 1871085306

Cover: Hard Cover with Dust Jacket – 161 pages

Comments: An account of what it was like to be a member of a tank crew in the heat and dust of battle in North Africa, Syria and Italy.

Autobiography of a regular soldier of 8 RTR. He joins up pre-war as a Trooper and eventually becomes a Squadron Commander. This is about his experiences campaigning through North Africa, the Middle East and Italy. His unit conducts operations and supports various other units, including some humourous incidents working with the Polish Corps.