Title: Against the Odds – Escapes and Evasions by Allied Airmen, World War 2
Author: Adams, Murray
Condition: Mint
Edition: 1st Edition
Publication Date: 2005
ISBN: 0642265976
Cover: Soft Cover without Dust Jacket – 177 pages
Comments: The stories contained in this collection are mostly first person accounts of evasions or escapes during World War II. Some are simple tales of unaided walking through the enemy’s lines during the confusion of battle, while others are narratives of well-planned and clever deceptions that led to freedom. These accounts by mainly Australian airmen demonstrate adherence to ‘the duty to escape’ obligation and admirable fortitude, endurance, courage and considerable ingenuity.
Most of the escapes were made possible by the efforts of those who gave shelter and guidance to hundreds of airmen ‘on the loose’. These people gave this help unselfishly and in the knowledge that if betrayed, or caught in the act, they would face death, torture, or imprisonment at a concentration camp. Every escaper or evader was conscious of a tremendous debt to these modest civilians, whose courage was no less than that displayed by highly decorated servicemen trained in the profession of arms.