Title: A Woman’s War: The Exceptional Life of Wilma Oram Young AM
Editor: Angell, Barbara
Condition: Near Mint +
Edition: 1st Edition
Publication Date: 2003
ISBN: 1741100127
Cover: Soft Cover without Dust Jacket – 328 pages
Comments: This is the story of one of Australia’s most remarkable women. As a captive of the Japanese during World War II, Wilma Oram, a young Australian nurse, experienced the very worst of human brutality: starvation, depravation and degradation.
Yet, through comradeship of her fellow prisoners, she also encountered humankind at its best. After subsisting for three-and-a-half years on a diet of filthy rice and rotten vegetables, emptying sewage pits with half a coconut shell, and preparing her own coffin nails, Wilma’s life after liberation could never be ordinary. Following her return to Australia she was inspired to help her fellow ex-POWs and war veterans through her tireless work with the RSL. As a public speaker, she strove to instill in her younger generation an awareness of the futility of war and the need to love and understand our fellow human beings. Wilma Oran Young was a woman of inner strength and profound humanitarianism. This inspirational and sensitive account of her unique life is a moving and evocative tribute to a silent angel.