
Title: A Most Promising Corps – Citizen soldiers in Colonial Queensland, 1860-1903

Editors: Geoff Ginn, Hilary Davies & Brian Rough

Condition: Mint

Edition: 1st Edition

Publication Date: 2010

ISBN: 9780646534619

Cover: Hard Cover – with Dust Jacket – 300 pages

Comments: An estimated 20,000 citizens undertook some form of military service in Queensland between 1860 and 1903. These citizen soldiers were called out for active service a number of times during the nineteenth century; during the ‘Bread Riots’ of 1866,the Russian war scares of 1878 and 1885, the annexation of New Guinea in 1884, and the shearer’s strikes of 1891 and 1894.

Defence Force personnel assisted rescue operations during the 1893 floods, and many served with the Queensland contingents to South Africa from 1899 to 1902.

This book emerged from an ongoing historical research project to document the role and contribution of citizen military forces in colonial Queensland and, for the first time, gives detailed attention to the local and social element of their story.