
Title: The Korean Kid – A young Australian pilot’s baptism of fire in the jet fighter age

Author: Nicholls , Rochelle

Condition: Mint

Edition: 1st Edition

Publication Date: 2020

ISBN: 9781922387042

Cover: Soft Cover without Dust Jacket  – 294 pages

Comments: In 1950, with the shadow of World War II still heavy across the world, a vicious civil conflict erupted on the Korean peninsula and sucked 24 nations, including Australia, into a new round of fighting. The world’s two atomic superpowers – the United States and the Soviet Union – menaced each other across an arbitrary border as Korea became the proving ground for a new Cold War.

The odds faced by Australia’s young pilots were one in three, that they’d not come back. Most had no combat experience.
Their planes were obsolete. Their orders were to dive upon a well-armed enemy with their bellies exposed, where one bullet to a fuel-tank meant an inescapable fireball.

The Korean Kid is the story of Jim Kichenside and the Australian pilots who took to the skies in the ‘forgotten war’
on the Korean peninsula. Within a week of the North Korean invasion of the South on June 25, 1950, No.77 Fighter
Squadron RAAF were in the air: the first United Nations air unit committed to the defence of the overrun South. Of
the 340 Australians who perished in Korea, 41 were from 77 Squadron.

In 1952, Jim Kichenside was the youngest pilot in 77 Squadron, at just 21 years of age. He entered the Korean theatre with just 8 hours of training on his Meteor jet. Dubbed ‘The Korean Kid’, Jim’s is a story of youth and resilience, of luck and loss, of young men thrust into a war against impossible odds – the first war of the jet age.