
Title: Crete 1941 – Eyewitnessed

Author: Hadjipateras, C

Condition: Very Good

Edition: 1st Edition

Publisher: Efstathiadis Group

Publication Date: 1989

ISBN: 9602261846

Cover: Soft Cover without Dust Jacket – 328 pages

Comments: This is not a book of military history. It is a human document. It is the story of all those Greeks, Allies and Germans who lived and witnessed every moment of the eleven-day battle of Crete, the one and only airbourne invasion in history. Combined with the six-moth Greek epic on mainland Greece this epoch-making campaign greatly contributed in turning the tide of World War II in favour of the Allies.

This book is an anthology of authentic testimonies. Supported by letters, diaries, poems, photographs, sketches, it recaptures in a uniquely vivid way the ‘feel’ of this fateful battle. But, above all, it reflects the futility of war, the heavy penalty paid by losers and victors alike.